23. maj 2007

6 months

Erika mus is 6 months old:) Time goes by so fast. She wakes up around 8 o'clock. She gets dressed with her mother and go into the livingroom to see a Cartoon (little people is her favorit) and then eat breakfast. Around 10 o'clock she goes to sleep for an hour. Sometimes mommy sleeps too. :) We eat lunch and play a little. Then it is time for a nap. Sometimes for 3 hours and other days only for 1 hour. Depends on the mood, I guess :) when she wakes up she plays with her toys and rolles around on the floor. Trying to sit but it is a bit hard when the tummy is so big :) hehe. after dinner she takes a bath and likes to kick and splash with the water. Her bedtime is at 8 o'clock. Thats what we call a rutine :)

She just got her first hair cut :) What a beauty ;)

15. maj 2007

such a good girl

Erika gave her mother a good night sleep the night beforevmothersday :) She is a doll :) Almost 6 months and it is funny to see how much babies grow up in just one month. She is tasting normal food and sits by the table like a grown up :) It will soon be over with the breastfeeding, because she just doesn't get much out of it.

Erika has learned to roll over to her stomach and she is so proud of herself when she does it. hehe. Can you be any cuter than that :) see the video here

Hugs and kisses

9. maj 2007


Im starting to understand why they use sleep deprevation as a torture method. Almost a year since I had a good night sleep and will do almost anything for just 6 hours straight. Erika has been sick for the last 2 days. Her nose is totally blocked so that it is hard for her to breath. That poor thing. So ofcourse she is waking up 6 - 7 times a night. Is there a light at the end of this tunnel? Yes there is :)

erika with daddy

We are jumping on the brodcasting wagon :) publishing our videos for your eyes only :) enjoy. this is Erika 2 weeks old with her daddy and beautysleep

7. maj 2007

Mathias 8 år

We invited mathias and his fathers family for coffee and cake last sunday. It was mathias 8 year birthday.

Erika just found out how to drink from a bottle :) Our naighbour came over, her name is Erna and is one year old. She gets all the credit for learning Erika how to drink from the bottle. She just laid next to her and showed her how to do it and Erika just got it right away :) I have been trying for some time now but she just didnt want the bottle. So now I am looking forward to a good nights sleep :) That is if her father can wake up to give her something to drink :)